
Volunteer Sign-Up   

Our parent involvement is responsible for over $85,000 in revenue through the events and initiatives they operate.  This includes concessions stand coverage, split the pot, gates, and helping coaches during games/meets and practice. Having the families volunteer helps to keep our costs and the participation fees as low as possible.

Each family is required to work at least 4 shifts per family throughout the year for sports participation. When the Sign-Up Genius is ready, an email will be sent out to all of the families participating in that season's sports to sign up for shifts. Once that is set it out, it will be posted here: 

Anyone can sign up for any shifts regardless of your student-athlete participates in the sport you are working.  

If you are not willing or able to fulfill this volunteer requirement, you may “buy out” your participation for $240. This fee will be charged in addition to your son’s participation fee(s).  If you perform a portion of the three required shifts, you will be billed $60 for each unfulfilled shift at the end of the school year.  All fees due will be added to your FACTS account.

Thank you to all of the volunteers who help with Lancer Athletics!

Questions & Concerns; Contact Zac Bayer: [email protected]